Health Crux

"The Health Crux" is a blog dedicated to empowering readers with well-researched, practical information on health, wellness, and medical insights. It covers a wide range of topics, including physical and mental health, nutrition, disease prevention, fitness, and the latest medical research. With an emphasis on accessible, science-backed content, The Health Crux aims to be a trusted resource for those looking to improve their well-being, make informed health choices, and stay updated on relevant health trends.

The conceptualization of this Health Crux Corner was inspired myself when the time I had suffered a serious illness of my body.

About the Author

To start with, I will uncover my status of living

I was born as a healthy baby way back 1980 in a poor family. We are farmers during my teenage years at the mountainous province of Cebu Philippines. According to my family I was getting sickly when I was 9 months old, why? I was picky eater

So, parents out there monitor your picky eater children

As a picky eater I would not any vegetables, so I had a weak body since we were so poor we cannot afford to buy fish and meat always and the so the usual foods in the table was different types of veggies. Of course I don’t like veggies so I just sip a little of its soup and every now and then I was sick.

Due to my parents hard work the family financial status improved also. I grew up and still not eating veggies until I got married and my eldest son had nothing to breast feed, and so may friends had advised me to eat vegetables, so I did it for the sake of my son and my body had recovered. I can do many outdoor activities and many another task but one my husband was cheated when our youngest son was born, so I began to mourn, cries at the middle of the night, I was not able to sleep in a regular basis, not eating healthy foods since again we are in financial crisis. I was so hurt for 6 years as my husband was cheating on me every now and then until my health collapsed last 2019, and I was diagnosed to have a weak heart and lungs and all of the following

High cholesterol crystal which lead into high Blood Pressure

Fatty liver

Uric acid

Total lung capacity

Low insulin

High sugar

High urine sugar

Coenzyme Q10

Trace elements deficiency

Thyroid secretion

Lymph nod

Ph level (alkalinity)

Max ovarian cystic

I was bodily sick but spiritually healthy so I do have faith in God that He will give me the cures in my illness so naturally by my strong faith and prayers these event happened in my house.

I am so thankful to God for giving me chances and opportunities to be healed even as of now not fully recovered yet because when the illness is big, it really needs a long time to cure it. Thank you for your company my beloved readers

Health Tips!

Balanced everything in your life!

Food, Drinks, Exercise, Sleep, Activities! Most of all STRONG FAITH AND PRAYERS TO OUR GOD ALMIGHTY!

Steps on How I am Healed




Prayer and Repentance

Embracing the True Roman Catholic Faith

Eating Healthy Foods

Light Exercise that is fit to my condition